Whether times are tough or smooth, it's always a smart strategy to take full advantage of your pluses, and location can be one of them.
Hit the pavement and start shaking hands with your neighbors. Introduce yourself, your business, and ask questions about services people may need that you can accommodate.
For example, if you have a restaurant that needs more foot-traffic, reach out to the businesses around you. Devise a cash-friendly happy hour and invite neighbors to it. Pass out samples of food and hand out business cards or coupons. There’s a lot of business to be had in being neighborly.
Location. Location. Location!
Hit the pavement and start shaking hands with your neighbors. Introduce yourself, your business, and ask questions about services people may need that you can accommodate.
For example, if you have a restaurant that needs more foot-traffic, reach out to the businesses around you. Devise a cash-friendly happy hour and invite neighbors to it. Pass out samples of food and hand out business cards or coupons. There’s a lot of business to be had in being neighborly.
Location. Location. Location!